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- Talks/
Staying in Control of your Scientific Data with Git Annex
Scientific experiments can produce a lot of data, often very different in kind and scattered across devices and even remote locations.
Neuroscientific data management using DataLad
Robust data management from raw data to result publication is necessary to make scientific research more widely reusable.
Welcome and overview: day 2
Watch this video on YouTube.
Reproducibility vs. computational efficiency on HPC systems
HPC systems have particular hard- and software configurations that introduce specific challenges for the implementation of reproducible data processing workflows.
fMRI Pipelines on HPC with DataLad and ReproMan
In this lightning talk, I will share my experience using DataLad, git-annex and ReproMan to run software pipelines on hundreds of fMRI datasets on an HPC cluster.
Optimisation in Network Engineering: Challenges and Solutions in Research Data Management
In the complex realm of network engineering design, optimisation methods have been instrumental, using a range of components across different systems and scenarios.
Workflow provenance-based scheduling
Scientific computing workflows have become increasingly complex, often comprising of numerous interdependent tasks executed on distributed computing resources.