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- Balancing Efficiency and Standardization for a Microscopic Image Repository on an HPC System/
Balancing Efficiency and Standardization for a Microscopic Image Repository on an HPC System
Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest challenges of modern science. In order to study its complex structural and functional organization, data from different modalities and resolutions must be linked together. This requires scalable and reproducible workflows ranging from the extraction of multimodal data from different repositories to AI-driven analysis and visualization [1]. One fundamental challenge therein is to store and organize big image datasets in appropriate repositories. Here we address the case of building a repository of high-resolution microscopy scans for whole human brain sections in the order of multiple Petabytes [1]. Since data duplication is prohibitive for such volumes, images need to be stored in a way that follows community standards, supports provenance tracking, and meets performance requirements of high-throughput ingestion, highly parallel processing on HPC systems, as well as ad-hoc random access for interactive visualization. To digitize an entire human brain, high-throughput scanners need to capture over 7000 histological brain sections. During this process, a scanner acquires a z-stack, which consists of 30 TIFF images per tissue section, each representing a different focus level. The images are automatically transferred from the scanner to a gateway server, where they are pre-organised into subfolders per brain section for detailed automated quality control (QC). Once a z-stack passes QC, it is transferred to the parallel file system (GPFS) on the supercomputer via NFS-mount. For one human brain, this results in 7000 folders with about 2 PByte of image data in about 20K files in total. From there, the data are accessed simultaneously by different applications and pipelines with their very heterogeneous requirements. HPC analyses based on Deep Learning such as cell segmentation or brain mapping rely on fast random access and parallel I/O to stream image patches efficiently to GPUs. Remote visualization and annotation on the other hand requires exposure of the data through an HTTP service on a VM, with access to higher capacity storage to serve different data at the same time. These demands can be covered by multi-tier HPC storage, which provides dedicated partitions. The High Performance Storage Tier offers low latency and high bandwidth for analysis, while the Extended Capacity Storage Tier is capacity-optimized with a lower latency, meeting the needs for visualization. Exposing the data on different tiers requires controlled staging and unstaging. We organize the image data folders via DataLad datasets, which allows well defined staging across these partitions for different applications, ensures that all data is tracked and versioned from distributed storage throughout the workflow, and enables provenance tracking. To reduce the number of files in one DataLad repository, each section folder has been designed as a subdataset of a superdataset that contains all section folders. The current approach to managing data has two deficiencies. Firstly, the TIFF format is not optimized for HPC usage due to the lack of parallel I/O support, resulting in data duplication due to conversion to HDF5. Secondly, the current data organization is not compatible with upcoming community standards, complicating collaborative efforts. Therefore, standardization of the file format and folder structure is a major objective for the near future. The widely accepted community standard for organizing neuroscience data is the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS). Its extension for microscopy proposes splitting the data into subjects and samples, while using either (OME-)TIFF or OME-ZARR as a file format. Particularly, the NGFF file format OME-ZARR appears to be the suitable choice for the workflow described, as it is more performant on HPC and cloud compatible as opposed to TIFF. However, restructuring the current data layout is a complex task. Adopting the BIDS standard results in large amounts of inodes and files because (1) multiple folders and sidecar files are created and (2) OME-ZARR files are comprised of many small files. DataLad annex undergoes expansion with the increase in the number of files leading to high inode usage and reduced performance. An effective solution to this problem may involve the optimization of the size of DataLad subdatasets. However, the key consideration is that GPFS file systems enforce a limit on the number of inodes, which cannot be surpassed. This raises the following questions: How can usage of inodes be minimized while adhering to BIDS and utilizing DataLad? Should performant file formats with minimal inode usage, such as ZARR v3 or HDF5, be incorporated into the BIDS standard? What is a good balance for DataLad subdataset sizes? Discussions with the community may provide valuable perspectives for advancing this issue.
[1] Amunts K, Lippert T. Brain research challenges supercomputing. Science 374, 1054-1055 (2021). DOI: 10.1126/science.abl8519
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