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- Talks/
Distributed Metadata and Data with Dataverse
Dataverse is open source research data repository software that has supported distributed metadata for a long time and is increasingly supporting distributed data.
A Tour of Magit
Magit is an Emacs interface to Git.
Reproducible and replicable data science in the presence of patient confidentiality concerns by utilizing git-annex and the Data Science Orchestrator
Health-related data for patients is among the most sensitive data when it comes to data privacy concerns.
DataLad-Registry: Bringing Benefits of Centrality to DataLad
DataLad-Registry is a service that maintains up-to-date information on over ten thousand datasets, with the collection expanding as more datasets are added.
Git annex recipes
This talk will be a survey of various recipes I have come up with for git-annex.
Fusion of Multiple Open Source Applications for Data Management Workflows in Psychology and Neuroscience
Finding a compromise between researchers’ needs, their skills in data management, data access restrictions, and limited funding for RDM is a complex but highly relevant and timely challenge.