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Distributed Metadata and Data with Dataverse
Dataverse is open source research data repository software that has supported distributed metadata for a long time and is increasingly supporting distributed data.
A Tour of Magit
Magit is an Emacs interface to Git.
Reproducible and replicable data science in the presence of patient confidentiality concerns by utilizing git-annex and the Data Science Orchestrator
Health-related data for patients is among the most sensitive data when it comes to data privacy concerns.
DataLad-Registry: Bringing Benefits of Centrality to DataLad
DataLad-Registry is a service that maintains up-to-date information on over ten thousand datasets, with the collection expanding as more datasets are added.
Git annex recipes
This talk will be a survey of various recipes I have come up with for git-annex.
Fusion of Multiple Open Source Applications for Data Management Workflows in Psychology and Neuroscience
Finding a compromise between researchers’ needs, their skills in data management, data access restrictions, and limited funding for RDM is a complex but highly relevant and timely challenge.
Staying in Control of your Scientific Data with Git Annex
Scientific experiments can produce a lot of data, often very different in kind and scattered across devices and even remote locations.
Neuroscientific data management using DataLad
Robust data management from raw data to result publication is necessary to make scientific research more widely reusable.
Welcome and overview: day 2
Watch this video on YouTube.